Wednesday 20 June 2007


Title for Curzon Street Show:

The Cure Zone
Cure Zone
This is the Cure Zone

A play on words: Making a title by adapting "Curzon" into a communicatable title that will be catchy, location specific and hold deeper means about us as artists:

Subtitles: ?
Think of Annerley's Text
Work by remarkable/extraordinary/peaking/magnificant artists ... think modern.

Thinking about our site and the show:
Our art as a way to Cure (well, the bar and food and entertainment will be a cure for all I would imagine)
We as artists are a Cure for the site of Curzon Street because we are taking part in the revitalization of that derelic part of town and especially the AMAZING site that is the Curzon Street Station.

What do you think?

This name has been juggled around and seems to be acceptable. Lets talk about it. Can you envision a design?

JUICY is stil alive, we will use it for the internal show and they are happy to have it and will for production of posters and flyers.

1 comment:

Annerley Johnson said...

I really like this. It is immediately identifiable with the venue and I like the link with curing the building. Loads of ways to answer it visually. Good one.