Thursday, 28 June 2007

Official Design Brief - Competition now open!!

The Cure Zone
Generate: Communicate: Illuminate
Art @ The East Side
Curzon Street Station


The Eastside of Birmingham is currently undergoing major renovation and revitalization - The Eastside Development Programme. Curzon Street Station will be at the heart of this regeneration. The building dates back to 1838 and has survived many attempts at demolition. It is in the centre of an area of great industrial heritage and in the near future it could be at the centre of an arts revolution. We are lucky to have this site as our external show in September. In keeping with the ethos of the site and building, please keep the history in mind when working on your designs.

The audience that we are trying to attract is widespread and diverse: we aim to reach beyond the art circles of Birmingham to draw in the vast community of the Midlands as well as to entice members of the media industry. Our audience is all inclusive.

Medium for Print/Design
Please work a design based on an A2 poster and either a DL Or A5 sized flyer (flyer to be double sided - the reverse side should include the contact/ info listed below, in addition to a map of the location of Curzon Street Station).

Work in CMYK rather than RGB.

Information to include:
The title sequence of: The Cure Zone
Generate: Communicate: Illuminate
Art @ The East Side
Curzon Street Station

ADDRESS: Curzon Street Station
Curzon Street, Digbeth
Birmingham B4 7XG
(opposite Millennium Point)

DATES: October 1st - October 5th
Private View Octber 1st from 6pm - 11pm


0121 603 8013
BIAD: 0121 331 5800/01

UCE Birmingham Institute of Art and Design Logo

If you chose to add it to your design, you can include the fact that the art to be displayed comes from the disciplines of: Animation and Moving Image, Graphic Design, Illustration, Multimedia, Photography, Scenography, Visual Identity and Branding.

Work at 300dpi and email submission at 72dpi

Please email designs to NO LATER THAN 5PM 13TH JULY 2007. All the designs will then be posted on the blog to be reviewed and VOTED ON UNTIL 18TH JULY. We will then move forward with finalizing the design and begin the printing and all-important promotion.

Any other questions please contact either Annerley, Catharine or James.

Good Luck, and looking forward to seeing your designs!!


Moses said...

guys is that the title of the show???

"The Cure Zone
Generate: Communicate: Illuminate
Art @ The East Side
Curzon Street Station " ???

Annerley Johnson said...

Title is:

The Cure Zone

Tag line is:

Generate : Communicate : Illuminate

Detail is:

Art @ The Eastside - Curzon Street Station

john c said...
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john c said...

Is there a doctor in the house?

Let me say that you're doing a great job coordinating these shows and I appreciate how difficult it must be with very little response from students generally but

are you sure that this is such a great name for the show?

On a technical note you might like to inform everyone that their files need to be CMYK not RGB.

Good Luck

Annerley Johnson said...

Thanks for that John. I thought CMYK would be assumed but I suppose we ahouldn't assume anything.

The name has been agreed with the Uni (who are coughing up for the venue hire which is over £1500). Following the Juicy fiasco we thought it best to agree a name with them so we can just get on with the job, being as they are our main sponsor.

So compromise at play but it was essential so we could move on with the mountain of work we need to do to put this show on.

The Uni are the main sponsor so we treat them as the client in this.

krystof said...
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