Friday, 8 June 2007

Specifications for MA Show

MA ASSESSMENT SHOW SPECIFICATIONS: You should all have the form in your email. Print and fill in and turn into Phil's box by deadline.

The submission of this proposal is required by all full-time MA students who are completing the course in September.
Part-time students (or students completing the course at irregular times) are also highly encouraged to submit a proposal, as consideration will be taken in regards to their current and potential work to be considered for the JUICY show at Curzon Street Station, to take place after the assessment show at Gosta Green.

Please submit your proposal on time so that it can be reviewed before your scheduled work check, happening in the same week.

PURPOSE: To provide a clear understanding of what each student is producing for the assessment show (to take place on 17th September) in order to allocate space, provide technical assistance and equipment, as well as having a clear grasp of the concept behind the work.
In addition, this proposal will be used to select students to participate in the JUICY exhibition at Curzon Street Station (happening at the end of September)*.

Complete the proposal as thoroughly as possible and provide accurate and detailed descriptions for each of the following requests.

· Name
· Contact Details - Phone and Email
· Title
· Description of the work:
· Medium of work produced
· Dimensions of the work produced or to be produced
· Dimensions of the space you will need to display your work
· Display needs
· Technical needs
· A sketch of how and where you envision your work to be displayed in the space you want to display it.

· Time line of Production

Please note that these submissions will be assessed by Phil for the purpose of the assessment show and passed on to Catharine and Juicy committee to be use as a source for organizing the upcoming Juicy show. Contact either Phil or Catharine if you have questions.

* Note that submission of this proposal does not guarantee entry into the JUICY show. Students will be selected by a panel of judges and the work will be chosen based on guidelines draw up by the JUICY committee.


krystof said...

who s the Juicy committee ?

Catharine A. Frediani said...

The entire committee has yet to be officially decided. But it will be made of the people that have thus far made major contributions. It has been decided that I will be the Head Project Coordinator and Phil will be an active Curator as requested by David Knight. Annerley, James, and Chris as well as a few others have been active from the start as well. But this all needs to be official decided with Phil and asked of the group. Hopefully Edinburgh with be productive.